103.Please quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper. 请把10令白色海报纸(FOB,伦敦)的最低价格报给我们。
That is because those photos give you goals, You should create a "dream board" by pasting these photos, along with pictures of yourself onto a piece of cardboard or poster paper. 那是因为这些图片给你设定了目标。你应该建立一块“梦想板”,把这些图片连同自己的相片一起粘贴在一块卡板或招贴纸上。
The poster's outside, and it's in the paper as well! 海报贴在外面,报纸上也是这么说的!
During Qing Dynasty, poster was introduced into China along with the trade, which means information paper coming through sea transport. 海报在清代通过贸易进入中国,意为从海上运输而来的信息纸。
Secondly, in the graphics and poster combination, this paper described the page layout of the poster and the design methods with the rational thinking and aesthetic rules. 其次,在图形与招贴设计结合方面,本文对整体招贴的版面布局与设计手法进行了理性思维与审美规则的论述。